
The Digital Learning and Teaching (DLaT) team takes an active role in the development, preparation and delivery of university strategies, policies and projects. Its work is aligned with university strategic developments and outcomes enabling it to:

  • provide support for learning technologies and digital pedagogies
  • enhance staff and student digital capability
  • facilitate innovation
  • explore emerging technologies.


The future development of Learning technologies and digital capabilities are embedded within The Empowering University Strategy and further enhanced by inclusion within the Student Experience strategy, the Research strategy and the International strategy.


The DLaT team support university, faculty, and directorate groups, committees, project boards and partner organisations. They will:

  • Advise on the use and development of learning technologies.
  • Design, develop and deliver training for staff on learning technologies and their associated pedagogies.
  • Engage with and provide a preliminary baseline evaluation of new technologies through horizon scanning.
  • Engage with new and innovative pedagogies appropriate to the use of learning (and creative) technologies.
  • Support and advise on the design, development and delivery of online and blended learning courses and materials.
  • Provide expertise to other teams across the university to deliver projects, training and outcomes.
  • Provide consultation on the situated use of technologies in curriculum design.



DLaT sits within the Centre for Academic Innovation and Teaching Excellence.

We provide university-wide services as well as having a presence within faculties, via our faculty-embedded Digital Learning and Teaching consultants.