Clicking the title text will present you with the relevant information about each item.

Understanding the role of digital technologies in your teaching, and where to access support

I understand what the term Digital Learning and Teaching (DL&T) refers to at DMU
I have attended the recommended training sessions in the use of learning technologies for new academic staff
I know where to go for online support for Digital Learning and Teaching
I know where to go to access staff development and training sessions for Digital Learning and Teaching
I know who my faculty DLaT consultant is
I understand my role in supporting students in their use of technology on the modules on which I teach
I know what the expectations are within my programme and on all modules that I teach for my use of digital technologies
I have familiarised myself with relevant DMU policies and key documentation as to the use of technology for teaching, learning and assessment specific to the types of teaching, learning and assessment that I will be involved with
I understand the requirements of DMU Replay as it applies to my teaching

Using our core teaching, learning and assessment technologies

I have familiarised myself with the classroom technologies that I will be expected to use for teaching and learning
I can Log in to LearningZone
I have familiarised myself with the use of LearningZone
All of the modules on which I teach are listed in the courses panel on the LearningZone home page
I am confident in the following basic operations with LearningZone:
Structuring content in the main module menu

I know how to video record a lecture/presentation and make it available to students in LearningZone
I know how to deliver an online teaching session using Microsoft Teams
Where I am required to use specific approaches in LearningZone, I am confident that I understand what these approaches are, and that I can confidently use these approaches in practice

If you can answer YES to all of the checklist items, you should have a basic understanding of the use of our core technologies.

tipThis completes your online induction.

If you have any questions at all about the use of technology in the curriculum – please contact your faculty DLaT consultant

Online induction developed by Dr Rob Weale